The HTTP API takes GET requests in the following schema:{API name}/{API version}/{GET parameters}
Allowed values:
- API name: announcements
- API version: d01
- GET parameters:
- codeapiaccess: Mandatory, it is the access code to the API that you have received after you registered on our website. You can find it in your profile page.
- libelle: Returns the list of the announcements which label or keywords strictly or partly correspond to this string..
- place: Returns the list of the announcements which places or keywords strictly or partly correspond to this string.
- entreprise_name:
- Without the 'like_name' parameter: Returns the list of the announcements concerning commpanies which name striclty corresponds to this string (not case sensitive).
- Withs the 'like_name=y' parameter: Returns the list of the announcements concerning companies which name or a keyword corresponds strictly or partially to the givent string (Not case sensitive).
- date_anno_from: Returns the list of the announcements with a publication date (YYYY-MM-DD) after the given date.
- date_anno_to: Returns the list of the announcements with a publication date (YYYY-MM-DD) before the given date.
- date_contract_from: Returns the list of the announcements with a contract beginning date (YYYY-MM-DD) after the given date.
- code_lang: Returns the list of the announcements in the specified language (en= english, de = german, fr = french).
- date_contract_to: Returns the list of the announcements with a contract beginning date (YYYY-MM-DD) before the given date.
- source_name: Returns the list of the announcements which source name strictly corresponds to the given string.
- code_type_contrat: Returns the list of the announcements which code_type_contrat (contract type code) strictly correponds to the given code. (See table)
- type_contrat: Returns the list of the announcements which contract type label strictly corresponds to the given string. (See table)
- code_type: Returns the list of the announcements which enterprise type corresponds strictly to the given code type (See table).
- code_metier: It is the Business code, displays only the announcements corresponding to this business (See table).
- format: json default, you can chose xml to get an XML file.
- limit: To change the number of companies displayed. Default is 10.
json{INSERT YOUR CODE}&date_anno_from=2016-01-02&code_metier=2
xml{INSERT YOUR CODE}&date_anno_from=2016-01-02&code_metier=2