The HTTP API takes GET requests in the following schema:{API name}/{API version}/{GET parameters}

Allowed values:

  • API name: my_nearby_ent
  • API version: d08
  • GET parameters:
    • codeapiaccess: Mandatory, it is the access code to the API that you have received after you registered on our website. You can find it in your profile page.
    • lat: Mandatory, it is the latitude of the origin point, in degrees.
    • lng: Mandatory, it is the longitude of the origin point, in degrees.
    • distance: The distance in km from the center point (lat and lng) of a square. It delimites the area from where to extract the companies.
    • withmail: withmail = 1: nDisplay only the companies for which we have found at least one contact email.
    • code_metier: It is the Business code, displays only the companies belonging to this business (cf. tab).
    • code_type: It is the company type code, it will display only the companies belonging to this type (public services, private, etc.) (cf. tab).
    • format: json default, you can chose xml to get an XML file.
    • limit: To change the number of companies displayed. Default is 10.


json{INSERT YOUR CODE}&lat=46.3365&lng=8.48424&distance=10

xml{INSERT YOUR CODE}&lat=46.3365&lng=8.48424&distance=10

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