unemployaid.com, der Bewerbungsassistant

The new unemployaid.com is here!

Nachrichte von SCHILLING Hervé - Neuheit

The new unemployaid.com is here!

We are delighted to announce that your favorite platform, unemployaid.com, has a fresh new look! After several months of intensive work, we are pleased to unveil an improved version of our site, designed to offer you an even better experience.

What's new? First of all, we have optimized performance to make navigation smoother and faster. You will also notice a refreshed design with lighter colors, making readability and navigation easier.

To celebrate our 11th anniversary, we have invested in a major upgrade of our technical infrastructure. The site now runs on the latest versions of PHP and MySQL, ensuring increased robustness and performance. This complex process involved a meticulous review of every line of code, with over 175,000 lines reviewed and upgraded.

In addition to these improvements, we are introducing an exciting new feature: coaching. Employment agency advisors or private coaches can now create an account on UnemployAid to "supervise" their clients' job searches. They will have access to most of the information that users enter on the site, such as applications and social media activities. Additionally, they can provide personalized advice directly from the site's interface. This feature is completely free for job seekers. For advisors, a small participation fee is requested, although negotiable during the launch phase to facilitate testing.

We are confident that this new feature will add significant value to your experience on UnemployAid. If you have any suggestions for further improving our service, please let us know via our "Contact Us" form.

Thank you for your loyalty and trust. We look forward to continuing to support you in your current and future careers.

We are delighted to announce that your favorite platform, unemployaid.com, has a fresh new look! After several months of intensive work, we are pleased to unveil an improved version of our site, designed to offer you an even better experience.

What's new? First of all, we have optimized performance to make navigation smoother and faster. You will also notice a refreshed design with lighter colors, making readability and navigation easier.

To celebrate our 11th anniversary, we have invested in a major upgrade of our technical infrastructure. The site now runs on the latest versions of PHP and MySQL, ensuring increased robustness and performance. This complex process involved a meticulous review of every line of code, with over 175,000 lines reviewed and upgraded.

Now, we are also highlighting our coaching feature, which has reached its final form after a testing phase. Your employment agency advisor or private coach can create an account on UnemployAid to "supervise" your job search. They will have access to most of the information you enter on the site, such as your applications and networking, if you give them explicit permission. Additionally, they can provide personalized advice directly from the site's interface. This feature is completely free for job seekers. For advisors, a small participation fee is requested, although negotiable during the launch phase to facilitate testing.

We are confident that this new feature will add significant value to your experience on Unemployaid.com. If you have any suggestions for further improving our service, please let us know via our "Contact Us" form.

Thank you for your loyalty and trust. We look forward to continuing to support you in your current and future careers.

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Unemployaid.com ist mehr als ein jobboard oder genau ein Betreuungswerkzeug für ihrer Kandidaturen. Er erlaubt auch einen Coach , Ihrem Fortschreiten zu folgen und Sie in Ihrer Suche zu unterstützen.
Sind Sie schon von einen Coach geholfen? Schlagen Sie ihm vor, in unser Angebot einzuwilligen!
Wenn Sie ein coach oder ein Ratgeber sind, können Sie in unser Überprüfungsangebot einwilligen. Sie werden in der Realzeit der Entwicklung ihrer Schützlinge in einem niedrigen Tarif folgen können:
  • Anmeldung zum gerade in der Überprüfung von 10 Personen aufmachenden Dienst: 45€ pro Jahr.
  • Zusatz einer Person zu überprüfen: 2€ ohne Befristigung.
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