unemployaid.com, your personal jobsearch assistant

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A3CV, A3 Conseil RH

A3CV accompagne et conseille les chercheurs d'emplois dans leurs démarches. Mais elle (Nancy) blogue et forme aussi à tout va.

Et ce soir elle a eu l'excellente idée d'écrire un petit mot sur unemployaid.com, le site qui vous aide à organiser votre recherche d'emploi.

Alors je n'ai qu'un conseil à vous donner, suivez A3CV, votre prochain boulot est assuré!

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Unemployaid.com is more than a single jobboard or jobsearch manager. It gives you the opportunity to be coached by a professional who will be able to supervise your actions and jobsearch strategy directly from our webpages, with your permission only!
If you have already a coach, please prpose him to subscribe to our supervision service, so he will be in a position to provide you with the best follow-up!
If you are coach or employment agent, you can subscribe to our "supervision" service in order to follow-up in real time your clients. Our prices are very attractive and only designed to finance our hosting and development costs:
  • Subscription to the supervision offer including 10 user supervisions: 45€/year.
  • Add one supervision right (one more user): 2€.

We thank you for your support and hope we will be a great help in your jobsearch and coaching work!
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