unemployaid.com, der Bewerbungsassistant

Unemployment facts

Nachrichte von SCHILLING Hervé - Nachrichte

Unemployment facts

The beginning of this year has given the opportunity to the unemployment services of the planet to publish their statistics.
They fear that the next years will not beneficiate to the job seeker, even if the situation of the economy is mostly improving.
The problem is that we are always more efficient in our work and that we need far fewer people to do the same task than few decades ago...

Conclusion is that the pressure on the work market will strengthen, and that you will have to be always more imaginative or inventive to stay in the privileged cast of the employed.  

But do not worry, the future is not so dark ! We are here to help you ! 

Of course, my purpose is to invite you to use unemployaid.com, even if you are not unemployed, do not be scared (too much) !

Hereunder I compiled some statistics and numbers found on internet:

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©Hervé Schilling