Our partners

Job advertisements
  • adecco
  • Interim-online
  • Jobsora


    Wouldn't it be great if you could search for job vacancies from a number of different sites all in one place? Well, now you can! Jobsora eliminates the need to visit numerous sites to find your next job, saving your time, and making your job search more efficient. Furthermore, you can take advantage of Jobsora’s free service that connects job seekers to relevant employers! Visit Jobsora to find 1000s of jobs in the UK.
  • Jooble


    Jooble is a job search engine created for a single purpose: To help you find the job of your dreams! You will find all job postings, vacancies and current openings available on Jooble. Have you ever heard something like that? Expect to find many job vacancies in the USA on Jooble. And this is not because Jooble is "the largest job site in the USA", "leading world employment resource" or something like that. This is because of Jooble's operation features; in the same way as any other search engine operates, Jooble does not compile all the information in its own database, but searches it out and does this much better than any other search engine. When you perform a search with Jooble, you'll get links to job postings from more than 470 different job sites throughout the USA that are the most relevant to your search terms. We created Jooble to save your time and energy, enabling you to your desired job from a single query. Even for "gourmets," for instance, we created variety of tools such as Advanced Search and a lot of filters. Compared to perusing the newspaper or using a regular job board, job-hunting with Jooble may seem unusual, initially. Although if you fully learn how to master it - you are guaranteed to find the job of your dream. The only condition in this case is the existence of your dream job. Our team is constantly working in order to make a job search as simple as possible. Jooble is constantly being fine-tuned, as we add new services and features. So, if you have any ideas or suggestions how to improve Jooble - let us know. But, as it says: "A picture paints a thousand words". So better try our search instead of reading about it! Have a good search!
  • whatjobs


    Who are WHATJOBS?
    WhatJobs is an advanced job search site and not just another job board.
    Job seekers are provided with the latest job openings advertised across United States - you can be certain that you are getting the most up to date jobs out there.
    That is the official text. As part of the partnership with Unemployaid, Whatjobs gives us access to a considerable list of ads that we post on the homepage of the site. You can apply for one of these positions by clicking on the "apply" link. We will redirect you to the advertiser’s official page and pre-fill your application in Unemployaid.
  • XPATJobs


    We are one of the largest global job boards with millions of job opportunities in over a hundred countries and languages worldwide. We upload new jobs every minute of every day so keep coming back for the latest vacancies. You can apply for all our listed jobs for free, set up job email alerts or alternatively upload your CV and allow our head-hunters and recruitment agents to find your next job for you.
Web development
  • Emploi Store
  • geoPlugin


    geoPlugin is a free and easy webmaster resource to provide geolocation technology to your pages. Geolocation and geocoding technology on the web is locating your visitor in the world, down to the city they are in, based on their IP address, also known as IP Location. geoPlugin is the easiest way for you to know where your visitors are from so that you can provide them with content more relevant to their geographical location. geoPlugin is unique in that it allows you to do this in a hassle-free way, and in multiple different programming languages. There is no software installation required, and whether your programming language of choice be javascript, php, xml or whatever, geoPlugin has a way to simply and efficiently geo-localize your visitors.
  • Nominatim


    Nominatim (from the Latin, 'by name') is a tool to search OSM data by name and address (geocoding) and to generate synthetic addresses of OSM points (reverse geocoding). It can be found at nominatim openstreetmap.
    Nominatim is also used as one of the sources for the search box on the OpenStreetMap home page. Several companies provide hosted instances of Nominatim that you can query via an API, see section Alternatives below.
    This page provides usage instructions. For details of how Nominatim works please see the Development Overview and there is a short FAQ. There is also a list of language mappings per country, some experimental address formats per country and a list of abbreviations.
  • Open Iconic

    Open Iconic

    An open source icon set with 223 marks in SVG, webfont and raster formats
  • tarte au citron

    tarte au citron

    Easily manage your cookies.
  • Twitter Boostrap

    Twitter Boostrap

    We use twitter bootstrap to display our pages. Bootstrap is the most most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
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