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Imagemap unemployaid Job search management Prospect new jobs Thanks announcement aggregator Nearby companies list APIs Social network actions manager Complete postulation forms Manually from the standard form Automatically when Applying to an aggregated announcement using the ü+ "add an application" snippe ... Follow active postulations Reminders for your next programmed actio ... Synthetized on your management chart Remember postulation history Application history Cover letters history Postulation blasts history Documents history Companies history Websites history (every website you had  ... Display information for our users Collected offers Partnerships RSS feeds import Links to main jobboards Companies Alphabetical list Shared companies Collected from announcements Collected from certified sources User companies That he manually added Search by name Geo localized companies Google Geolocalization API Pole-Emploi "La Bonne Boite" API for the ... List of announcements per company News and tips Written by our team Can be added by certified users Facilitates job search Announcements aggregation Can be added from the website forms Imported from partners RSS feeds (adecco ... Links to the partners jobboards Nearby companies identification Thanks our API nearby_ent We collect the companies names and addre ... From announcements From users new postulations Shared with the other users only if conf ... From other certified sources Geolocalization from companies with goog ... Thanks labonneboite API for France Displays the companies that are hiring i ... Spontaneous blaster Collects a list of local companies (than ... Allows user to write a unique email that ... Automaticly adds and fills a postulation ... Coach - Jobseeker interfacing Allows a coach to supervise a job seeker Can invite a user for a coaching Cannot modify the user data Can see the different pages of supervise ... Can send messages to the supervised user The message will be displayed on the specific page on the recapitulation page of the user a ... sent per email The job seeker has the control Allows the coach to supervise or not Can decide to end the supervision Provides API to other Open Data actors No data about our users are shared 3 API's Nearby_ent Provides a public HTTP API for software  ... in a selected area with specific filters announcements Provides a public HTTP API for software  ... with specific filters s-matching Provides a public HTTP API for software  ... Technologies PHP Javascript Apache MySQL SQL CSS Bootstrap API CRON PostgreSql REST AJAX


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